Eminem - "Recovery", "Relapse"
I have chosen to analyse Eminem's album covers as these covers have lots of meaning as well as insight on his life. His album covers usually reflect on what happened in his life as well as on the music on the album.
The first album " Relapse " was released after a long break from producing music, Eminem was preparing for this album for a long time. The music in the album is about his improvement and recovery from his addiction to drugs. The cover reflects on this recovery, this is shown by his face made from medicine pills this represents his addiction. The design on the CD also relates to this as it is a cap of a medicine box.
The second album cover that I have chosen to analyze is his newest album "Recovey" this was released shortly after the the previous album as the last album wasn't a success, this album also relates to his recovery we see this by Eminem sitting in a room which is made from clear walls in the middle of a city. The reason behind this is to show the audience that he has made a recovery from the addiction and is living a normal life.