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My name is Maciek Dekert, im curently studying A2 media studies. Welcome to my blog i hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Analysis of Album Cover


 Lil Wayne- The Carter 4
This album was released on August 29 2011, however the recordings have begun in 2008, this album has been put on hold in several different occasions. One of the reasons why the album had been put on hold is because Lil Wayne has released two new albums in 2010 and therefore didn't want this one interfere with the past albums, however there was a second time the album has been delayed however this time the reason behind this was that Lil Wayne was serving a prison sentence which lasted a year and therefore was not able to publish the album at the time.
The album artwork is followed by a sequence of albums called 'The Carter', this is the latest album which has followed the theme of a baby graduating, the baby being Lil Wayne. The artwork of this album cover includes a baby; this portrays the artist as the baby has the exact same tattoos as Lil Wayne. The colors of the album cover connote the ideology of good and evil, white representing the good and red representing the evil. We can also associate the colors to haven and hell; a reason behind this can be that Lil Wayne was in both the positions where he possibly was on both the sides of good and evil. Bad being the past where he went to prison for the crimes he conducted and good being the new path in which his heading. The meaning of the child could also represent a new fresh clean slate which humans have at the early stages of their lives, this could represent Lil Waynes fresh start after he came out of prison therefore might start making the right decisions in his life.

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