In the next part of the song Lady Gaga pulls up in a town, shorty followed by a sequence of dancing. This particular part of the video denotes the artists sexuality as the artist wears seductive clothing while performing a dance routine; this also links to voyeurism which means that the audience can gain pleasure from watching. Lady Gaga wares red underwear, the red connotes sexy and romantic which is the key part of modern success in the music videos. This sequence also links to the theme of religion as several crosses are visible in this part of the video, at this stage the camera also has a significant focus on another character, which is portrayed as Jesus, we can see this as he wears a crown made of thorns however the thorns are not real and there sparkly and harmless this also links to the theme of the modernization. At this point the artist is seen with the man wearing the crucifix crown (Jesus) suggesting that Lady Gaga is on the good side, this is also demonstrated when she pushes Judas of the stairs. Throughout the video the constant remarks of this theme are presented to the audience.
The Mis-en-scene in this video represent the past in a modern way, the order of way in which things happened is similar however its all represents in the modern society. The settings of the scenes are set out carefully which is meant to show the audience that Lady Gaga is a unique artist which is different from the rest. The unique sense of her style is her trade mark, the artist is known for wearing extraordinary outfits never seen before. This is represented in the video in many different ways; for example in the scene where she points a gun at e man; the connotation for this is that the gun in dangerous and powerful; however instead lipstick comes out of it. This is just one way in which it portrays Lady Gaga. Another way in which we can see the use of mis-en-scene is her outfits which she wares throughout the video.
The diagetic sound of the motorcycles is the first that we can hear in the video, this type of sound is used to create a real sense of the motorcycles which is represented by the manly sounds of the bikes. Throughout the song the editing in which the shots change do not correlate to the music, however as the chorus begins the artist then dances to the beat and creates movements to the different sounds the track has.
The use of colors within the video changes with the times of the song, the representation for the use of black and white color in the opening sequence of the video has been used intentionally to contrast the artist bring hair and clothing. Another example of using colors in the video is when lady gaga is pointing the gun at Judas; the colors in the frame are focused on the orange and brown to create the sense of old fashion which was present at the time of Jesus and Judas.
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